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Showing posts from December, 2019

Transfigured, Transformed

Transfigured, Transformed Jesus, just as You on the mountain with Moses and Elijah, whitening, brightening in the sight of those with eyes to see, were changed from inside out, that what was in your soul shone forth as light, called forth a burst of joyful pride from the One-Beyond-All-Form: “My Son, my focus of delight!” So are we called in this our ordinary life to shine, be changed, be light. As Elijah, so Elisha. As our Lord, so we, watching You with laser eyes, trained to see You everywhere, will be transfigured, be transformed, shine bright. And shining, move as You did toward the Cross, that light may burst across the universe as our particle ignites. 12/14/19 Inspired by the story of Jesus’s Transfiguration in Matthew 17:2 (and commentary) and the invitation to us in Romans 12:1-2 in The Message Devotional Bible .